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Art: Studio

Program(s) Available: B.F.A.

艺术工作室专业为学生提供完成其专业任务所需的技能,并唤醒他们的存在的智力水平,这将使他们更充分地领导, 更有意义的生活,无论他们进入哪个专业领域.

在这些课程中学习为学生提供了学习有效交流思想的机会, develop analytical skills, synthesize ideas, 从历史的角度评估当前行动的影响, and develop discriminating aesthetic judgments.

Why Study Art: Studio at Northwest

艺术学科的质素目标包括:(a)提供一个有利于学习和创作的环境, (b)培养对过去和现在的视觉艺术的理解和敏感度, (c)为学生从事视觉艺术及设计工作做好准备,包括教学艺术及设计, (d)使学生掌握足够的技术技能,以便将来能独立发展和创作, (e)为学生在视觉艺术方面的深造做准备.

In addition to the academic programs, 展览计划和访问艺术家系列有助于拓宽所有学生的学习经验. 这些展览在Olive DeLuce美术大楼的画廊展出,来自国家和地区的来源. 访问艺术家系列将杰出的艺术家和艺术史学家带到该系, where they conduct workshops, give demonstrations, hold discussions, 并进行幻灯片演示和讲座,向大学和地区社区的所有人开放.

Northwest art facilities include:

  • Complete photo studio and darkroom
  • Wood workshop
  • 3D printer, 3D scanner, and laser engraver
  • Individual work studios
  • Glaze kitchen
  • State-of-the-art ceramics studio, including seven electronic kilns, 四个煤气窑和一个木窑,学生可以用它们来学习用火工作的过程.
  • Fully stocked dynamic studio
  • Printmaking workshop and print presses
  • Drawing and painting studios

Pick your path


Art majors with an emphasis in ceramics 通过研究粘土并使其发挥作用来获得实践经验. Faculty focus on hand-building techniques, processes of making glaze with earth materials, the history of ceramics, wheel throwing, 窑理论和协助学生定义更广泛的方法.


Art majors with an emphasis in drawing focus on observational skills. 学生们被训练找到自己的声音和视觉语言,并专注于从观察技能到艺术创作的概念方面的转变. 教师确保学生掌握使用石墨操纵各种绘图介质的技能, charcoal, ink, watercolor and mixed media (dry and wet products); acquiring a sense of proportion, rhythm, balance and weight to learn the methods of analyzing shapes and proportions of perspective drawing; and creating the three-dimensional illusions on a two-dimensional surface.


Art majors with an emphasis in painting learn techniques in acrylic and, oil paint, 和混合媒体和发展技能的色彩处理和协调. 上课时在画室里画画, 艺术作品的形式分析和绘画概念的讨论. 教师指导学生发展为视觉艺术家,并为他们的成功做好准备.


Photography 专业学习和应用艺术的视觉元素,并通过摄影发展艺术方向. 教师专注于教授学生正确的技术和方法来创建和打印数字照片, non-traditionally and through a darkroom. 学生们花很多时间在工作室里工作, 获得实践经验,并为演示准备项目.


Art majors with an emphasis in printmaking 获得许多印刷领域的技能和技术,如单张印刷, intaglio, relief and digital processes. 学院确保学生具有所有版画制作方法的经验和在每种媒介上印刷版本的能力.


Art majors with the emphasis in sculpture 了解传统和非传统的方法来雕塑的过程. 教师要求学生以不同的方式思考空间和物体. 学生学习专业词汇,以系统地讨论他们的艺术原则和设计元素,并写一个艺术家的声明.

学生学习的技术技能包括焊接、基本木工、奖章和模具制作. Students use traditional and new processes.

Career Ready
Studio Art with an emphasis in painting

我对我正在做的工作和我正在完成的事情感到非常有力量. — Shelby Theis

Career Opportunites

  • Character artist
  • Art gallery owner
  • Marketing and design associate
  • Production or public artists
  • Teacher
  • Ceramics engineer
  • Ceramics industrial designer
  • Photographer
  • Photo lab technician
  • Studio coordinator
  • Character artist
  • Interior designer 
  • Marketing and design associate
  • Production artist

What Can I Do With a Major in Art: Studio?

A place to work

Students have opportunities to create commission-based work 客户在哪里联系美术与表演艺术系索要图纸. 教授选择一个学生来创建并完成这个项目.

高级绘画学生有自己的保障 studio space at Northwest. 这为学生在毕业前提供了一个像专业艺术家一样工作的机会.

A place to work

Northwest Art Show

学生们获得了展示和销售他们的艺术作品的经验 Northwest Art Show.

学生们被鼓励提交他们最好的作品在年度展示 Celebration of Scholars,这是一个跨学科的研讨会,重点关注校园内杰出的学生工作.

Northwest Art Show

Fire Arts Building

火艺术大楼致力于陶瓷和雕塑项目,需要“火和烟”.“学生们可以利用这座建筑创作出独特而精美的艺术品. 这座大楼配备了各种精密的安全装置, fire prevention and ventilation systems, so students are also safe.

Fire Arts Building
The impact of value at Northwest
Right size. Right price.
We understand college is a big investment. Why not attend a school that is invested in you?

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